
We provide a safe environment for kids 0-12 years to:
• BELONG in community with loving adults and other kids.
• BELIEVE in the Bible and what God says about Himself and us.
• BECOME more like Jesus as they learn to follow Him.

“Truly I tell you,” he said, “unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child – this one is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one child like this in my name welcomes me.” (Matthew 18:3-5)

We offer care and activities for kids 0-6th grade during worship services at 9:00am and 11:00am on Sundays.

  • We are getting ready for an awesome VBS this summer! Our theme is TRUE NORTH…Jesus always points us in the right direction, giving us just what we need exactly when we need it.

    CLICK HERE to read more about VBS 2025 and see volunteer opportunities.

    Sunday, March 9

    Learn more & register

  • Jenn Ransom (Director)

    Thish Stage (Ministry Assistant)

    Karina Evers (Elementary)

    Mary Latham (Nursery and Preschool)

  • You can help kids BELONG, BELIEVE, and BECOME by serving in various ways and with different groups on Sunday mornings (9:00am and 11:00am) and Wednesday evenings (6:30–8:00pm).

    To learn more about volunteering, contact Jenn Ransom(

  • Sometimes we just need some spiritual support. Often we just don't know what the answer is or what the next step is.

    We encourage our families to practice regular times of prayer together. Ask each other "How can I pray for you today?”. Take some time to consider the requests. Then share each request with God. Experiment with keeping a family log of needs and answered prayers.

    Just as we encourage you to share your prayer needs with your family, we want to help you pray too. Share your family's prayer requests with us.

  • Parents, we are excited to have your kiddos join us for LCC Kids GLOW! Each Wednesday night we will explore a biblical truth that will help your kids better know who they are in Christ. We will have both large group story and small group discussion times. While learning hands-on life skills and playing games, this fun night will have your kids building deeper connections and a strong sense of belonging.

    6:30pm-8:00pm on Wednesdays
    January 15 - March 26, 2025

    Limited childcare (0 - 3 years) Parents are on site as a participant in a group or serving as a volunteer.

    • GLOW (4-5 years Pre-K) - $5 per child. Parents are on site as a participant in a group or serving as a volunteer.

    • GLOW (Kindergarten) - $10 per child. Parents are on site as a participant in a group or serving as a volunteer.

    • GLOW (1st-5th Grade) - $10 per child. No requirements for parent participation.


  • Lighthouse will reimburse members at a predetermined rate for a portion of childcare costs they incur while attending an approved LCC activity. Our goal is to help remove obstacles and encourage participation in opportunities intended to foster community for the purpose of spiritual growth.

    Learn more