Local & Global Outreach

Together we can make a difference in our local communities.

In an effort to spread love, hope, and grace beyond the walls of our buildings, Lighthouse partners with local organizations to extend a hand of support to those in need throughout our community. For more info about local outreach, contact Thish Stage.

  • Help us provide healthy food items for Fruitland students who might otherwise go hungry. Click here to see a list of items needed. Donations for the Backpack Program may be dropped off at Lighthouse Monday through Friday from 9:00am-4:30pm and during our Sunday worship services.


    We are also looking for a few volunteers to assist with shopping, picking up items from the food bank, and/or packing food each week.

    For more info about the program and to volunteer, contact the LCC office (office@lighthousehome.org).

  • The Kaleo App: Helping communities by connecting volunteers with local needs.

    Using Kaleo, you can easily find opportunities to serve within your community. Click here (kaleoapp.com) to explore Kaleo and download the app.

    Contact Tyler Huson for more info.

  • • Fruitland Elementary School fru.puyallupsd.org

    • Olive Crest olivecrest.org

    • Prison Fellowship prisonfellowship.org

    • Step By Step www.stepbystepfamily.org


    This event is a great opportunity for families with kids of all ages to serve together. Make plans to join us on March 28-29, 2025 as we assemble OneMeals for Children of the Nations to be distributed to kids in Sierra Leone. Everybody will have the opportunity to sample the meals.

    Watch your eNews for all the details and links to sign up to volunteer. Coming soon!

Logo for outreach

As we lend support, we shift our focus from ourselves to something much greater. We are reminded of the urgency of sharing God's incredible love with those who have yet to hear His message.

As a C&MA church, foreign missions are always at the forefront of our outreach efforts. For us, supporting our global outreach partners is an act of generosity as well as an act of obedience to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). For more info about global outreach, contact Thish Stage.

  • We meet as a large group and then break into regions to pray over our missionaries. Everybody is invited to join us. Click here to join this group.

    Fourth Sunday of each month
    Room 201 (upstairs in main building)

    Our next meeting is January 26.

  • Each month we post updates and prayer requests from our outreach partners.

    View prayer requests and updates for October.

  • Our short-term mission trips give you the opportunity to be Jesus to people throughout the world.

    We will post trips here as they are scheduled.

  • LCC lends support to missionaries and outreach organizations all over the world including:

    All Nations Raising up disciples and evangelists for Northern India and Nepal. Ministering to Bhutanese refugees.
    Contact: Thish Stage (thish@lighthousehome.org)

    All Nations Quest Academy My vision is to plant and pastor an Arabic-speaking church with believers from different cultures in Hamburg, Germany.
    Contact: Mouyassar Alshahf

    All Nations Mobilizing, training, and coaching missionaries to unreached people groups worldwide.
    Contacts: Joshua and Meredith Johnson (www.allnations.us) (mere@pobox.com)

    Christian and Missionary Alliance: Great Commission Fund The Woods minister in Thailand to some of the missionaries on the front line in the toughest areas (anti-sex trafficking, evangelizing to unreached people groups, etc.) They provide professional counseling and spiritual direction and support.
    Contacts: Mike and Wendy Wood (woodmikewendy@gmail.com) (www.cmalliance.org)

    Glory to Glory Transformation
    Training young men and women in India. Sending them to South East Asia to reach people with the transforming Gospel and to plant churches.
    Contact: Sunny Abraham (sunnaa77@yahoo.co.in) (www.greatharvestoutreach.com)

    Kidstown International Sharing the gospel with orphans in Romania, India, and Nepal. Raising them up to be witnesses in their own cultures and peoples.
    Contact: Chuck Valley (chuck@kidstown.org) (www.kidstown.org)

    New Life Ethiopia A major Lighthouse partnership through which we sponsor children in kindergarten, evangelists to Muslims, a church, and families for sustainable life in Gutumuma, Ethiopia. NewLife Ethiopia is also dedicated to bringing the Gospel of Christ to the unreached and providing permanent, Christian homes for abandoned children.
    Contacts: Jason Barta, Joy Casey (jbarta@newlifeethiopia.org) (jcasey@newlifeethiopia.org) (www.newlifeethiopia.org)

    Serving Ministries of Christ Partnering with and equipping rural indigenous church leaders in Chile, by encouraging them through visitation as well as providing training materials otherwise inaccessible to the rural, poor, and marginalized. Previously known as Video Instruction.
    Contact: William Hughes (william.g.hughesIII@gmail.com)

    Wycliffe Bible Translators Reaching pastors and missionaries throughout the 10/40 window with online resources.
    Contacts: Steven and Jennifer Baughman (steve_baughman@sil.org)

    Ethnos360 Abby was raised at Lighthouse (Ashcraft) and we are pleased to be senders of her and Ian to an unreached people group in Mexico.
    Contacts: Ian and Abby Bates (abigail_bates@ntm.org) (ian_bates@ntm.org) (batesfamilyministry.com)

    Christian and Missionary Alliance Reaching Muslims and Vietnamese refugees for Jesus through New Hope Schools and Church Planting.
    Contacts: Todd and Danielle Jorgenson

    Christian and Missionary Alliance
    Serving as workers in the Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh.
    Contact: Thish Stage (thish@lighthousehome.org)

    Missionary Training Center Through a partner ministry, LCC supports an indigenous missionary training center located in a restricted part of the world. This training center equips evangelists to go to regions devoid of the Gospel for the purpose of sharing Jesus and establishing churches.

    J.S. Resources Training Arab Christians to effectively share the Gospel with their Muslim neighbors, conduct prayer conferences and outreaches, and disciple new believers.
    Contact: Thish Stage (thish@lighthousehome.org)

  • Thank you for giving toward the work of spreading the Gospel through the ministries of LCC Global Outreach. Be sure to designate your gift accordingly.

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  • Each month, we take a weekend to focus on one of our global outreach partners.

    This is a great opportunity for you to get to know some of our global outreach partners. Come hear their stories and show your support for those working to spread the Gospel to unreached people groups.