
Reach your full potential as a disciple of Jesus while embracing your true identity in God.

We welcome all women throughout our community. Come as you are. Messy is where God works best! For ways to become involved with or questions regarding Women's Ministries, contact Michelle Tangen.

  • For moms of kiddos 0-18. Hosted by MomCo.

    Come enjoy a relaxed evening with other amazing moms, share laughs, sip coffee (or tea!), and make some new friends. Whether you're a seasoned mom or navigating the chaos of toddler life, this is your chance to connect and recharge.

    No need to register. We meet from 6:30pm-8:30pm in the Coffee Shop (Building 2).

    For more info, contact Stevie Soto.

    • Friday, March 14

  • Join us for a night of fun, food, and friends! No need to register. For more info, contact Michelle Tangen.

    Our next Fun Gathering will be posted soon!

  • ALL moms of kiddos 0-18 years are invited to join us for MomCo (formerly MOPS - Mothers of Pre-schoolers) at Lighthouse.

    Meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month
    Starts September 17, 2024
    9:30am - 11:30am in the Coffee Shop (Building 2)

    Whether you're navigating the joys and challenges of raising toddlers, teenagers, or anywhere in between, motherhood is a journey best traveled together. Come discover the support, encouragement, and community that we all want and need.

    Get more info and register

  • Our groups focus on giving women the opportunity to mature spiritually together, do life authentically with one another, and grow in knowledge and love for God's Word.

    Days and times vary. Studies are posted at the beginning of the fall, winter, and spring sessions.

    Follow the links below to read about and sign up.

    Junk Drawer Jesus
    Thursdays at 7:00am starting January 16.

    70×7: Finding Peace by Forgiving Others and Yourself
    Wednesdays at 6:30pm starting January 15.

    Ezekiel: A Precepts study for women
    Wednesdays at 9:30am starting January 8.

    Soul Care
    Tuesdays at 6:15pm starting January 14.

    The Gospel of John
    Thursdays at 9:30am starting January 16.

    Wounded Heart
    Saturdays at 9:00am starting January 18.

  • Zumba
    Zumba sessions, led by licensed instructors, are fun classes for any fitness level. So, invite a friend and come work out with us! Classes are open to everybody (men and women) in our community, ages 12 and older. Wear comfortable fitness clothing and tennis shoes with limited traction. Bring a towel and some water. No need to sign up. Join us anytime.

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday, & Saturday at 9:30am

    Pilates for Women

    Pilates is a method of exercise that consists of low-impact flexibility, muscular strength, and endurance movements. Please bring your own mat and a pair of light hand weights (3lbs or lighter).

    We encourage participants to talk, chat, and yes, even laugh, as we foster a positive and supportive atmosphere. Much of the work is on the mat. If you can get down to the floor and eventually get up (we can help you), you will have no problem with most of the exercises.

    NOTE: If you have medical issues or back problems, please contact Michelle Tangen before class.

    9:30am Thursdays ongoing

  • Sonshine Stitchers: Women's Activity Group
    Join us for this fun-filled day. Work on your projects as you build relationships with others who quilt, sew, knit, crochet, etc. We will meet on the second Thursday of each month. Bring your own materials and lunch.

    No registration required.

  • Join us as we grow closer to God and one another, sharing our lives and burdens while practicing accountability and encouraging each other to go deeper in the faith. We have no set curriculum. Just come prepared to share what God is doing in your life or hear from others.

    We meet the second weekend of each month. In the odd months of the year, we meet Friday nights. In the even months, we meet on Saturday mornings.

    You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet. (Matthew 5:13)

    Salt is good, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? (Luke 14:34)

    Please contact Susan Harris for more info.

Women talking together