Annual Meeting
You are invited to join the Lighthouse Leadership Team, staff, and members for our Annual Meeting at 7:00pm on Monday, February 24.
You will hear about how God has moved in and through Lighthouse over the past year and get an idea of the vision for the coming year. Members are expected to participate but everyone is welcome to attend. For more info, email (office@lighthousehome.org) or call the LCC office at 253-848-2028. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Leadership Team BEFORE the Annual Meeting.
On the agenda:
• During our annual meeting this year, as required by the LCC constitution, members will affirm our lead pastor, Brandon Sales, with a vote of confidence. Please contact the Leadership Team (LT@lighthousehome.org) BEFORE the annual meeting if you have concerns or questions.
• Members will vote to affirm Andrew and Rebecca Schwebke, Josh and Erin Meyer, and Naomi Hunt for another two-year term. If you have concerns about any of those up for an affirmation vote, we ask that you contact the Leadership Team (LT@lighthousehome.org) with your concerns BEFORE the annual meeting.
Because we desire transparency and open communication, we encourage you to contact the Leadership Team (lt@lighthousehome.org) before the annual meeting with any concerns regarding those up for votes of confidence or affirmation.
Options for voting members:
• Attend the Annual Meeting and vote in person.
• Submit an absentee ballot. Absentee ballots will be available the week before the meeting. Stop by the LCC office (Monday through Friday 9am-4pm) before February 20. Use a provided envelope to submit your ballot.
7:00pm-9:00pm on Monday, February 24, 2025
Childcare is not available.
Printed copies of the Annual Report will be available in the foyer of the Main Building starting Sunday, February 16.